

Performance prediction for running workflows under role-based authorization mechanisms

14 years 7 months ago
Performance prediction for running workflows under role-based authorization mechanisms
When investigating the performance of running scientific/ commercial workflows in parallel and distributed systems, we often take into account only the resources allocated to the tasks constituting the workflow, assuming that computational resources will accept the tasks and execute them to completion once the processors are available. In reality, and in particular in Grid or e-business environments, security policies may be implemented in the individual organisations in which the computational resources reside. It is therefore expedient to have methods to calculate the performance of executing workflows under security policies. Authorisation control, which specifies who is allowed to perform which tasks when, is one of the most fundamental security considerations in distributed systems such as Grids. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), under which the users are assigned to certain roles while the roles are associated with prescribed permissions, remains one of the most popular authoris...
Ligang He, Mark Calleja, Mark Hayes, Stephen A. Ja
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IPPS
Authors Ligang He, Mark Calleja, Mark Hayes, Stephen A. Jarvis
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