

Performance Studies of a Coding Scheme for a Slepian-Wolf Source Network

14 years 3 months ago
Performance Studies of a Coding Scheme for a Slepian-Wolf Source Network
- We investigate the simplest Slepian-Wolf source network, consisting of an information source correlated with a second source used as a side-information for the decoder but not the encoder. The information source and side-information source are modeled as binary random sequences }{},{ ii YYXX == , respectively, for which the pairs ),( ii YX are independent- identically distributed (i.i.d). In 1973, Slepian and Wolf characterized the optimum rate at which X can be encoded so that the decoder can recover X with the aid of Y . It is only in recent years, however, that practical coding schemes have been proposed which encode at a rate close to the SlepianWolf rate. One such coding scheme, proposed by Ramchandran et al.[2], uses a binary linear block channel code for encoding X while the decoder is furnished with the coset for each source block. We propose an alternate coding scheme, in which we also use a linear block channel code based encoder, but instead use a decoder which minimizes d...
Azizuddin Abdul Aziz, John C. Kieffer
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CIC
Authors Azizuddin Abdul Aziz, John C. Kieffer
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