

Performance Study on Multimedia Fingerprinting Employing Traceability Codes

14 years 8 months ago
Performance Study on Multimedia Fingerprinting Employing Traceability Codes
Digital fingerprinting is a tool to protect multimedia content from illegal redistribution by uniquely marking copies of the content distributed to each user. Collusion attack is a powerful attack whereby several differently-fingerprinted copies of the same content are combined together to attenuate or even remove the fingerprint. Coded fingerprinting is one major category of fingerprinting techniques against collusion. Many fingerprinting codes are proposed with tracing capability and collusion resistance, such as Traceability (TA) codes and Identifiable Parent Property (IPP) codes. Most of these works treat the important embedue in terms of a set of simplified and abstract assumptions, and they do not examine the end-to-end performance of the coded multimedia fingerprinting. In this paper we jointly consider the coding and embedding issues and examine the collusion resistance of coded fingerprinting systems with various code parameters. Our results show that TA codes gener...
Shan He, Min Wu
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IWDW
Authors Shan He, Min Wu
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