

Performance Tuning of Failure Detectors in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks: Modelling and Experiments

14 years 6 months ago
Performance Tuning of Failure Detectors in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks: Modelling and Experiments
Abstract. We consider wireless ad-hoc networks and implement failure detections mechanisms. These failure detectors provide elementary information for high level distributed algorithms such as consensus, election or agreement. The aim is to guarantee a quality of service for these mechanisms. Stochastic models for tuning failure detectors are proposed based on frequency analysis and contention modelling. Tuning methods are suggested for setting time-out delays. The theoretical results were validated experimentally on a wireless platform, based on a statistical analysis of the measurements.
Corine Marchand, Jean-Marc Vincent
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where EPEW
Authors Corine Marchand, Jean-Marc Vincent
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