

The period of the Bell numbers modulo a prime

13 years 9 months ago
The period of the Bell numbers modulo a prime
We discuss the numbers in the title, and in particular whether the minimum period of the Bell numbers modulo a prime p can be a proper divisor of Np = (pp - 1)/(p - 1). It is known that the period always divides Np. The period is shown to equal Np for most primes p below 180. The investigation leads to interesting new results about the possible prime factors of Np. For example, we show that if p is an odd positive integer and m is a positive integer and q = 4m2p + 1 is prime, then q divides pm2
Peter L. Montgomery, Sangil Nahm, Samuel S. Wagsta
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where MOC
Authors Peter L. Montgomery, Sangil Nahm, Samuel S. Wagstaff Jr.
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