

Periodicity and Correlation Properties of d-FCSR Sequences

15 years 1 days ago
Periodicity and Correlation Properties of d-FCSR Sequences
A d-feedback-with-carry shift register (d-FCSR) is a finite state machine, similar to a linear feedback shift register, in which a small amount of memory and a delay (by d-clock cycles) is used in the feedback algorithm (see [4, 5]). The output sequences of these simple devices may be described using arithmetic in a ramified extension field of the rational numbers. In this paper we show how many of these sequences may also be described using simple integer arithmetic, and consequently how to find such sequences with large periods. We also analyze the "arithmetic cross-correlation" between pairs of these sequences and show that it often vanishes identically. Key Words ? Cross-correlations, 2-Adic Numbers, Binary Sequences, Number Field.
Mark Goresky, Andrew Klapper
Added 25 Dec 2009
Updated 25 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DCC
Authors Mark Goresky, Andrew Klapper
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