

Personalizing the Interface in Rich Internet Applications

14 years 9 months ago
Personalizing the Interface in Rich Internet Applications
Recently, existing design methodologies targeting traditional Web applications have been extended for Rich Internet Application modeling support. These extended methodologies currently cover the traditionally wellestablished design concerns, i.e. data and navigation design, and provide additional focus on user interaction and presentation capabilities. However, there is still a lack of design support for more advanced functionality that now is typically offered in state-of-the-art Web applications. One yet unsupported design concern is the personalization of content and presentation to the specific user and his/her context, making use of the extra presentational possibilities offered by RIAs. This article addresses this concern and presents an extension of the RIA design approach OOH4RIA, to include presentation personalization support. We show how to extend the RIA development process to model the personalization at the correct level of abstraction, and how these specifications can be...
Irene Garrigós, Santiago Meliá, Sven
Added 08 Mar 2010
Updated 08 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WISE
Authors Irene Garrigós, Santiago Meliá, Sven Casteleyn
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