

Perturbation-Resistant and Overlay-Independent Resource Discovery

14 years 6 months ago
Perturbation-Resistant and Overlay-Independent Resource Discovery
This paper realizes techniques supporting the position that strategies for resource location and discovery in distributed systems should be both perturbation-resistant and overlay-independent. Perturbation-resistance means that inserts and lookups must be robust to ordinary stresses such as node perturbation, which may arise out of congestion, competing client applications, or user churn. Overlayindependence implies that the insert and lookup strategies, and to an extent their performance, should be independent of the actual structure of the underlying overlay. We first show how a well-known distributed hash table (Pastry) may degrade under perturbation. We then present a new resource location and discovery algorithm called MPIL (Multi-Path Insertion/Lookup) that is perturbation-resistant and overlay-independent. MPIL is overlay-independent in that it effectively provides to the distributed application an ability to insert and lookup Pastry objects in an overlay with Pastry IDs, but ...
Steven Y. Ko, Indranil Gupta
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DSN
Authors Steven Y. Ko, Indranil Gupta
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