

Phase-Based Methods for Voice Source Analysis

14 years 9 months ago
Phase-Based Methods for Voice Source Analysis
Voice source analysis is an important but difficult issue for speech processing. In this talk, three aspects of voice source analysis recently developed at LIMSI (Orsay, France) and FPMs (Mons, Belgium) are discussed. In a first part, time domain and spectral domain modelling of glottal flow signals are presented. It is shown that the glottal flow can be modelled as an anticausal filter (maximum phase) before the glottal closing, and as a causal filter (minimum phase) after the glottal closing. In a second part, taking advantage of this phase structure, causal and anticausal components of the speech signal are separated according to the location in the Z-plane of the zeros of the Z-Transform (ZZT) of the windowed signal. This method is useful for voice source parameters analysis and source-tract deconvolution. Results of a comparative evaluation of the ZZT and linear prediction for source/tract separation are reported. In a third part, glottal closing instant detection using the phase...
Christophe d'Alessandro, Baris Bozkurt, Boris Dova
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Christophe d'Alessandro, Baris Bozkurt, Boris Doval, Thierry Dutoit, Nathalie Henrich, Vu Ngoc Tuan, Nicolas Sturmel
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