

Phase Change of Limit Laws in the Quicksort Recurrence under Varying Toll Functions

14 years 14 days ago
Phase Change of Limit Laws in the Quicksort Recurrence under Varying Toll Functions
We characterize all limit laws of the quicksort type random variables defined recursively by Xn d = XIn + X n-1-In + Tn when the "toll function" Tn varies and satisfies general conditions, where (Xn), (X n), (In, Tn) are independent, Xn d = X n, and In is uniformly distributed over {0, . . . , n - 1}. When the "toll function" Tn (cost needed to partition the original problem into smaller subproblems) is small (roughly lim supn log E(Tn)/ log n 1/2), Xn is asymptotically normally distributed; non-normal limit laws emerge when Tn becomes larger. We give many new examples ranging from the number of exchanges in quicksort to sorting on broadcast communication model, from an in-situ permutation algorithm to tree traversal algorithms, etc. AMS subject classifications. Primary: 68W40 68Q25; secondary: 60F05 11B37 Key words. Quicksort, binary search trees, analysis of algorithms, limit distribution, method of moments, contraction method Abbreviated title: Limit laws of qu...
Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Ralph Neininger
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Ralph Neininger
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