

Phase-independent rhythmic analysis of genome-wide expression patterns

15 years 4 days ago
Phase-independent rhythmic analysis of genome-wide expression patterns
We introduce a model-based analysis technique for extracting and characterizing rhythmic expression pro les from genome-wide DNA microarray hybridization data. These patterns are clues to discovering rhythmic genes implicated in cell-cycle, circadian, or other biological processes. The algorithm, implemented in a program called RAGE (Rhythmic Analysis of Gene Expression), decouples the problems of estimating a pattern's wavelength and phase. Our algorithm is linear-time in frequency and phase resolution, an improvement over previous quadratic-time approaches. Unlike previous approaches, RAGE uses a true distance metric for measuring expression pro le similarity, based on the Hausdorff distance. This results in better clustering of expression pro les for rhythmic analysis. The con dence of each frequency estimate is computed using Z-scores. We demonstrate that RAGE is superior to other techniques on synthetic and actual DNA microarray hybridization data. We also show how to replac...
Christopher James Langmead, Anthony K. Yan, C. Rob
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Christopher James Langmead, Anthony K. Yan, C. Robertson McClung, Bruce Randall Donald
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