This paper examines an under explored area of digital photography, namely photo display. Using examples from a study undertaken with six families, we examine photo displays on mantelpieces, sideboards, and hallway walls, and in homeoffices. Using the examples, we make a case relating to the material properties of photo displays, suggesting that families routinely (and often unintentionally) express something of themselves in the ways they display their photos. The very ideas of family and home, we suggest, are tightly interwoven with the methods of photo display. This position is used to offer up some early design considerations for digital photo displays. We outline some basic properties that might be designed around and contend that the ideas of family and home impose constraints on which of these properties might be best combined and exploited. We also present three design concepts to illustrate how we have been developing this position. Categories and Subject Descriptors H5.m. Inf...
Laurel Swan, Alex S. Taylor