

Phrase sets for evaluating text entry techniques

15 years 3 months ago
Phrase sets for evaluating text entry techniques
In evaluations of text entry methods, participants enter phrases of text using a technique of interest while performance data are collected. This paper describes and publishes (via the internet) a collection of 500 phrases for such evaluations. Utility programs are also provided to compute statistical properties of the phrase set, or any other phrase set. The merits of using a pre-defined phrase set are described as are methodological considerations, such as attaining results that are generalizable and the possible addition of punctuation and other characters. TEXT ENTRY EVALUATIONS Among the desirable properties of experimental research are internal validity and external validity. Internal validity is attained if the effects observed are attributable to controlled variables. External validity means the results are generalizable to other subjects and situations. Simple as this seems, these attributes are typically at odds with one another. That is, too strictly attending to one tends ...
I. Scott MacKenzie, R. William Soukoreff
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CHI
Authors I. Scott MacKenzie, R. William Soukoreff
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