

Physically based simulation of cloth on distributed memory architectures

13 years 12 months ago
Physically based simulation of cloth on distributed memory architectures
Physically based simulation of cloth in virtual environments is a computationally demanding problem. It involves modeling the internal material properties of the textile (physical modeling) and also handling interactions with the surrounding scene (collision handling). In this paper, we present an approach to parallel cloth simulation designed for distributed memory parallel architectures, particularly clusters built of commodity components. We discuss parallel techniques for the physical modeling phase as well as the collision handling phase which are capable to significantly reduce the respective computation time. To deal with the very fine granularity of the physical modeling phase we apply a static data decomposition approach based on graph partitioning. In order to cope with the high irregularity of the collision handling phase we employ task parallel techniques based on fully dynamic problem decomposition. We show how both techniques can be integrated to realize a robust paral...
Bernhard Thomaszewski, Wolfgang Blochinger
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where PC
Authors Bernhard Thomaszewski, Wolfgang Blochinger
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