

Pico-ing into the future of mobile projector phones

14 years 10 months ago
Pico-ing into the future of mobile projector phones
Ten years ago we were on the verge of having cameras built into our mobile phones, but knew very little about what to expect or how they would be used. Now we are faced with the same unknowns with mobile projector phones. This research-in-progress seeks to explore how people will want to use such technology, how they will feel when using it, and what social effects we can expect to see. This paper describes our two-phase field investigation, with results and design recommendations from its first, experience-sampling phase. Keywords Mobile, projector, handheld, exploratory, field study. ACM Classification Keywords
Max L. Wilson, Simon Robinson, Dan Craggs, Kristia
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CHI
Authors Max L. Wilson, Simon Robinson, Dan Craggs, Kristian Brimble, Matt Jones
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