

Picturefinder: Description Logics for Semantic Image Retrieval

14 years 6 months ago
Picturefinder: Description Logics for Semantic Image Retrieval
Large amount of images need an efficient way of retrieving them. The usual approach of manually annotating images and/or providing a syntactic retrieval capability lacks flexibility and comfort. The automatic annotation of images is a main target of the image retrieval community. These so called content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems focus on primitive features, as Eakins and Graham [1] name them. Description logics (DL) offer a useful contribution to content-based image retrieval while allowing logical reasoning about the semantic contents of the image and ending with consistent classification results. This is a main advantage about traditional classification algorithms. Another advantage is the possibility to use domain knowledge, which is formulated in DL, on the retrieval side, thus offering a semantic retrieval. In this paper we present an approach and the results of adopting a DL for classifying image regions.
Jean-Pierre Schober, Thorsten Hermes, Otthein Herz
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Jean-Pierre Schober, Thorsten Hermes, Otthein Herzog
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