

Picturing Causality - The Serendipitous Semiotics of Causal Graphs

14 years 8 months ago
Picturing Causality - The Serendipitous Semiotics of Causal Graphs
Abstract. Bayesian nets (BNs) appeared in the 1980s as a solution to computational and representational problems encountered in knowledge representation of uncertain information. Shortly afterwards, BNs became an important part of the AI mainstream. During the 1990s, a lively discussion emerged regarding the causal semantics of Bayesian nets, challenging almost a century of statistical orthodoxy regarding inference of causal relations from observational data, and many refer to BNs now as causal graphs. However, the discussion of causal graphs as a data visualization tool has been limited. We argue here that causal graphs together with their causal semantics for seeing and setting, have the potential to be as powerful and generic a data visualization tool as line graphs or pie charts.
Eric Neufeld, Sonje Kristtorn
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SG
Authors Eric Neufeld, Sonje Kristtorn
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