

Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles

14 years 5 months ago
Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles
Let B be a set of n arbitrary possibly intersecting convex obstacles in Rd. It is shown that any two points which can be connected by a path avoiding the obstacles can also be connected by a path consisting of Ond,1bd=2+1c segments. The bound cannot be improved below nd; thus in R3 , the answer is between n3 and n4 . For open disjoint convex obstacles, a n bound is proved. By a well-known reduction, the general case result also upper bounds the complexity for a translational motion of an arbitrary convex robot among convex obstacles. In the planar case, asymptotically tight bounds and e cient algorithms are given.
Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwar
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where STOC
Authors Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf
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