

Piecewise Rigid Multimodal Spine Registration

14 years 4 months ago
Piecewise Rigid Multimodal Spine Registration
In this paper we present an efficient and robust vertebra segmentation algorithm for CT data. It proved reliable even for cases with damaged vertebrae or missing intervertebral discs. The resulting segmentation is then used to define the corresponding regions of interest in a piecewise rigid registration of the spine between CT and MR datasets of the same patient. The resulting deformation field has been extended to the surrounding soft tissue by smooth interpolation.
Peter Cech, Adrian Andronache, Liping Wang, G&aacu
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Peter Cech, Adrian Andronache, Liping Wang, Gábor Székely, Philippe C. Cattin
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