Adaptive HTTP video streaming over LTE has been gaining popularity due to LTE’s high capacity. Quality of adaptive streaming depends highly on the accuracy of client’s estimation of end-to-end network bandwidth, which is challenging due to LTE link dynamics. In this paper, we present piStream, that allows a client to efficiently monitor the LTE basestation’s PHY-layer resource allocation, and then map such information to an estimation of available bandwidth. Given the PHY-informed bandwidth estimation, piStream uses a probabilistic algorithm to balance video quality and the risk of stalling, taking into account the burstiness of LTE downlink traffic loads. We conduct a real-time implementation of piStream on a software-radio tethered to an LTE smartphone. Comparison with state-of-the-art adaptive streaming protocols demonstrates that piStream can effectively utilize the LTE bandwidth, achieving high video quality with minimal stalling rate. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2...