

Plagiarism detection across programming languages

14 years 6 months ago
Plagiarism detection across programming languages
Plagiarism is a widespread problem in assessment tasks; in computing courses, students often plagiarise source code. For all but the smallest classes, manual detection of such plagiarism is impractical, and, while automated tools are available, none has been applied to detect inter-lingual plagiarism, where source code is copied from one language to another. In this work, we propose a novel approach, XPlag, to detect plagiarism involving multiple languages using intermediate program code produced by a compiler suite. We describe experiments to evaluate XPlag, and show that we can detect inter-lingual plagiarism with reasonably good precision.
Christian Arwin, Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ACSC
Authors Christian Arwin, Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi
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