

Plan-based assistance in the webbrowser firefox

14 years 4 months ago
Plan-based assistance in the webbrowser firefox
We present a developed function library named pbifSystem which will allow for remote control of the webbrowser Firefox. Instead of controlling the browser through general pc input devices such as mouse or keyboard, we will use functions of the library. The developed pbifSystem is meant to be a service layer that can be used by assistance systems. The service offered appears in the pbifSystem as planning an action sequence and visually executing it single-handed, which is appropriate for reaching the requested goal by the user (e.g. Increase to enlarge the font of a currently shown website). To demonstrate pbifSystem’s mode of operations without assistance system, a toolbar (pbifBar) was built. KEY WORDS HMI, Planning, Application
T. A. Bertz, Peter Reiss
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where AIA
Authors T. A. Bertz, Peter Reiss
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