

Planning for a Mobile Robot to Attend a Conference

14 years 6 months ago
Planning for a Mobile Robot to Attend a Conference
The AAAI Mobile Robot Challenge requires robots to start from the entrance of the conference site, find their own way to the registration desk, socially interact with people and perform volunteer duties as required, then report at a prescribed time in a conference hall to give a talk and answer questions. These specifications convey some interesting planning problems that appear to be too complex for some of the most efficient AI planning systems that we analyzed. Based on this analysis, we present a new planning approach that we are developing to meet the challenge. Preliminary results show that our approach performs much better on robot conference planning problems than any of the other AI planning systems we tested.
Eric Beaudry, Froduald Kabanza, François Mi
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where AI
Authors Eric Beaudry, Froduald Kabanza, François Michaud
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