

Platform competition and broadband uptake: Theory and empirical evidence from the European union

14 years 2 months ago
Platform competition and broadband uptake: Theory and empirical evidence from the European union
Broadband access provides users with high speed, always-on connectivity to the Internet. Due to its superiority, broadband is seen as the way for consumers and firms to exploit the great potentials of new applications. This has generated a policy debate on how to stimulate adoption of broadband technology. One of the most disputed issues is about competition policies: these may be intended to promote competition in the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) segment of the market (intra-platform competition), or to stimulate entry into the market for alternative platforms such as cable access or fiber optics (inter-platform competition). Using a model of oligopoly competition between differentiated products, our paper explicitly studies the effect of inter and intra platform competition on the diffusion of broadband access. The implications of the model are then tested using data from 14 European countries. The econometric evidence confirms the results of the theoretical model and indicates tha...
Walter Distaso, Paolo Lupi, Fabio M. Manenti
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Walter Distaso, Paolo Lupi, Fabio M. Manenti
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