

A Player-Possession Acquisition System for Broadcast Soccer Video

14 years 7 months ago
A Player-Possession Acquisition System for Broadcast Soccer Video
A semi-auto system is developed to acquire playerpossession for broadcast soccer video, whose objective is to minimize the manual work. This research is important because acquiring player-possession by pure manual work is very time-consuming. For completeness, this system integrates the ball detection-and-tracking algorithm, view classification algorithm, and play/break analysis algorithm. First, it produces the ball locations, play/break structure, and the view classes of frames. Then it finds the touchingpoints based on ball locations and player detection. Next it estimates the touching-place in the field for each touchingpoint based on the view-class of the touching frame. Last, for each touching-point it acquires the touching-player candidates based on the touching-place and the roles of players. The system provides the graphical user interfaces to verify touching-points and finalize the touching-player for each touching-point. Experimental results show that the proposed system ca...
Xinguo Yu, Tze Sen Hay, Xin Yan, Engsiong Chng
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Xinguo Yu, Tze Sen Hay, Xin Yan, Engsiong Chng
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