

A Policy Based Framework for Access Control

14 years 5 months ago
A Policy Based Framework for Access Control
This paper presents a policy-based framework for managing access control in distributed heterogeneous systems. This framework is based on the PDP/PEP approach. The PDP (Policy Decision Point) is a network policy server responsible for supplying policy information for network devices and applications. The PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) is the policy client (usually, a component of the network device/application) responsible for enforcing the policy. The communication between the PDP and the PEP is implemented by the COPS protocol, defined by the IETF. The COPS (Common Open Policy Service) protocol defines two modes of operation: outsourcing and provisioning. The choice between outsourcing and provisioning is supposed to have an important influence on the policy decision time. This paper evaluates the outsourcing model for access control policies based on the RBAC (RoleBased Access Control) model. The paper describes a complete implementation of the PDP/PEP framework, and presents the av...
Ricardo Nabhen, Edgard Jamhour, Carlos Maziero
Added 07 Jul 2010
Updated 07 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Ricardo Nabhen, Edgard Jamhour, Carlos Maziero
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