

A Policy-Based Management Architecture for Mobile Collaborative Teams

15 years 1 months ago
A Policy-Based Management Architecture for Mobile Collaborative Teams
Many missions are deemed dangerous or impractical to perform by humans, but can use collaborating, self-managing Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs) which adapt their behaviour to current context, recover from component failure or optimise performance. This paper describes a policy-based distributed self-management framework for both individual and teams of UAVs. We use three levels of specifications -- policy, mission class and mission instance to enable reuse of both policies and mission classes. The architecture has been tested on devices ranging from small laptops to body area networks. Initial evaluation shows the distributed architecture is scalable and outperforms a centralised mission management scheme.
Eskindir Asmare, Anandha Gopalan, Morris Sloman, N
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Eskindir Asmare, Anandha Gopalan, Morris Sloman, Naranker Dulay, Emil Lupu
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