

Policy Gradient in Continuous Time

14 years 3 months ago
Policy Gradient in Continuous Time
Policy search is a method for approximately solving an optimal control problem by performing a parametric optimization search in a given class of parameterized policies. In order to process a local optimization technique, such as a gradient method, we wish to evaluate the sensitivity of the performance measure with respect to the policy parameters, the so-called policy gradient. This paper is concerned with the estimation of the policy gradient for continuous-time, deterministic state dynamics, in a reinforcement learning framework, that is, when the decision maker does not have a model of the state dynamics. We show that usual likelihood ratio methods used in discrete-time, fail to proceed the gradient because they are subject to variance explosion when the discretization time-step decreases to 0. We describe an alternative approach based on the approximation of the pathwise derivative, which leads to a policy gradient estimate that converges almost surely to the true gradient when t...
Rémi Munos
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JMLR
Authors Rémi Munos
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