

Political Leaning Categorization by Exploring Subjectivities in Political Blogs

14 years 2 months ago
Political Leaning Categorization by Exploring Subjectivities in Political Blogs
This paper addresses a relatively new text categorization problem: classifying a political blog as either `liberal' or `conservative', based on its political leaning. Instead of simply using "Bag of Words" features (BoW) as in previous work, we have explored subjectivity manifested in blogs and used subjectivity information thus found to help build political leaning classifiers. Specifically, our subjectivity based approach is two fold: 1) we identify subjective sentences that contain at least two strong subjective clues based on the General Inquirer dictionary; 2) from subjective sentences identified, we extract opinion expressions and BoW features to build political leaning classifiers. Experiments with a political blog corpus we built show that by using features from subjective sentences can significantly improve the classification performance. In addition, by extracting opinion expressions from subjective sentences, we are able to reveal opinions that are charac...
Maojin Jiang, Shlomo Argamon
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DMIN
Authors Maojin Jiang, Shlomo Argamon
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