

Polygons Flip Finitely: Flaws and a Fix

14 years 4 months ago
Polygons Flip Finitely: Flaws and a Fix
Every simple planar polygon can undergo only a finite number of pocket flips before becoming convex. Since Erdos posed this as an open problem in 1935, several independent purported proofs have been published. However, we uncover a plethora of errors and gaps in these arguments, and remedy these problems with a new (correct) proof. 1 Pocket Flips Given a simple polygon in the plane, a pocket is a maximal connected region interior to the convex hull and exterior to the polygon. A (pocket) flip is the reflection of a pocket, or more precisely the subchain of the polygon bounding the pocket, across its line of support, the bounding edge of the convex hull. In 1935, Paul Erdos [3] introduced the problem of simultaneously flipping all pockets of a simple polygon, and repeating this process until the polygon becomes convex. He conjectured that this process terminates after a finite number of steps. In 1939, B
Erik D. Demaine, Blaise Gassend, Joseph O'Rourke,
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CCCG
Authors Erik D. Demaine, Blaise Gassend, Joseph O'Rourke, Godfried T. Toussaint
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