

Polynomial-time theory of matrix groups

15 years 3 months ago
Polynomial-time theory of matrix groups
We consider matrix groups, specified by a list of generators, over finite fields. The two most basic questions about such groups are membership in and the order of the group. Even in the case of abelian groups it is not known how to answer these questions without solving hard number theoretic problems (factoring and discrete log); in fact, constructive membership testing in the case of 1 ? 1 matrices is precisely the discrete log problem. So the reasonable question is whether these problems are solvable in randomized polynomial time using number theory oracles. Building on 25 years of work, including remarkable recent developments by several groups of authors, we are now able to determine the order of a matrix group over a finite field of odd characteristic, and to perform constructive membership testing in such groups, in randomized polynomial time, using oracles for factoring and discrete log. One of the new ingredients of this result is the following. A group is called semisimple i...
László Babai, Robert Beals, Á
Added 23 Nov 2009
Updated 23 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where STOC
Authors László Babai, Robert Beals, Ákos Seress
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