

POSD-a notation for presenting complex systems of processes

14 years 4 months ago
POSD-a notation for presenting complex systems of processes
When trying to describe the behaviour of large systems, such as the business processes of large enterprises, we often adopt diagramming techniques based on derivatives of data flow diagrams. For very complex systems such diagramming techniques suffer from the inability to uniformly from arbitrary subcollections of components. In this paper we present an extension to conventional diagramming techniques which solves this problem. We describe how we have applied this technique to some very complex business systems and illustrate its main points with a simple example. While we have used the notation to present models of business processes we conclude that it is applicable to the description of behaviour in any complex system of processes. Background We are concerned with the nature of change in large and complex computer-based systems. In particular we are concerned with distributed systems, comprising many individually complex, legacy components. Such systems have become the basis of all...
Peter Henderson, Graham D. Pratten
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Peter Henderson, Graham D. Pratten
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