

Pottering: a design-oriented investigation

15 years 4 months ago
Pottering: a design-oriented investigation
In this paper we examine a ubiquitous yet overlooked aspect of home-life, pottering. The Oxford English Dictionary defines pottering as "To occupy oneself in an ineffectual or trifling way; to work or act in a feeble or desultory manner; to trifle, to dabble." It is thus a term used to describe a variety of activities but none in particular. Below, we give shape to the practice of pottering and in doing so aim to demonstrate how such an investigation has broad implications for HCI and designing for the home. We also report on our experiences of using design sketching as an analytical resource. Keywords Ubicomp, conceptual design, domestic technology ACM Classification Keywords K.4.m Computers in Society: Miscellaneous
Susan Wyche, Alex S. Taylor, Joseph Kaye
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors Susan Wyche, Alex S. Taylor, Joseph Kaye
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