

Power Adaptive Cognitive Pilot Channel for Spectrum Co-existence in Wireless Networks

13 years 5 months ago
Power Adaptive Cognitive Pilot Channel for Spectrum Co-existence in Wireless Networks
— Next generation wireless networks will be heterogeneous, where several primary users (PU e.g. licensed users) and secondary users (SU e.g. unlicensed users) can operate in the same dynamic and reconfigurable networks at a given time. The major challenge in this heterogeneous radio environment is to enable the coexistence between PU and SU which will further improve the efficient use of radio spectrum. Most of the existing coexistence techniques encounter with challenges due to lack of a priori knowledge about the primary system. Therefore Cognitive pilot channel (CPC) is a proposed approach which could enhance the coexistence by conveying some priori information. However, to achieve a peaceful coexistence it is essential to adopt a mitigation technique according to the CPC information. There is no algorithm has been described so far to integrate the CPC information with existing mitigation technique. In this paper, we proposed a novel power adaptation and integrated zone model (PAI...
Md. Akbar Hossain, Roberto Passerone
Added 24 Aug 2011
Updated 24 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where AINA
Authors Md. Akbar Hossain, Roberto Passerone
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