

Power Efficient Throughput Maximization in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

13 years 12 months ago
Power Efficient Throughput Maximization in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
Abstract-- We study the problem of total throughput maximization in arbitrary multi-hop wireless networks, with constraints on the total power usage (denoted by PETM), when nodes have the capability to adaptively choose their power levels, which is the case with software defined radio devices. The underlying interference graph changes when power levels change, making PETM a complex cross-layer optimization problem. We develop a linear programming formulation for this problem, that leads to a constant factor approximation to the total throughput rate, for any given bound on the total power usage. Our result is a rigorously provable worst case approximation guarantee, which holds for any instance. Our formulation is generic and can accommodate different interference models and objective functions. We complement our theoretical analysis with simulations and compute the explicit tradeoffs between fairness, total throughput and power usage.
Deepti Chafekar, V. S. Anil Kumar, Madhav V. Marat
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Deepti Chafekar, V. S. Anil Kumar, Madhav V. Marathe, Srinivasan Parthasarathy 0002
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