

Power Grid Analysis and Optimization Using Algebraic Multigrid

14 years 2 months ago
Power Grid Analysis and Optimization Using Algebraic Multigrid
Abstract--This paper presents a class of power grid analysis and optimization techniques, all of which are based on the algebraic-multigrid (AMG) method. First, a new AMG-based reduction scheme is proposed to improve the efficiency of reducing the problem size for power grid analysis and optimization. Next, with the proposed reduction technique, a fast transient-analysis method is developed and extended to an accurate solver with error control mechanism. After that, the scope of this method is further broadened for handling the analysis of the modified grid. Finally, a fast decap-allocation (DA) scheme based on AMG is suggested. Experimental results show that these techniques not only achieve a significant speedup over reported industrial methods but also enhance the quality of solutions. By using the proposed techniques,
Cheng Zhuo, Jiang Hu, Min Zhao, Kangsheng Chen
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TCAD
Authors Cheng Zhuo, Jiang Hu, Min Zhao, Kangsheng Chen
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