

Practical Automated Partial Verification of Multi-Paradigm Real-Time Models

14 years 16 days ago
Practical Automated Partial Verification of Multi-Paradigm Real-Time Models
This article introduces a fully automated verification technique that permits to analyze real-time systems described using a continuous notion of time and a mixture of operational (i.e., automata-based) and descriptive (i.e., logic-based) formalisms. The technique relies on the reduction, under reasonable assumptions, of the continuous-time verification problem to its discrete-time counterpart. This reconciles in a viable and effective way the dense/discrete and operational/descriptive dichotomies that are often encountered in practice when it comes to specifying and analyzing complex critical systems. The article investigates the applicability of the technique through a significant example centered on a communication protocol. More precisely, concurrent runs of the protocol are formalized by parallel instances of a Timed Automaton, while the synchronization rules between these instances are specified through Metric Temporal Logic formulas, thus creating a multi-paradigm model. Verifi...
Carlo A. Furia, Matteo Pradella, Matteo Rossi
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Carlo A. Furia, Matteo Pradella, Matteo Rossi
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