

Practical Defenses for Evil Twin Attacks in 802.11

13 years 10 months ago
Practical Defenses for Evil Twin Attacks in 802.11
Open-access 802.11 wireless networks are commonly deployed in cafes, bookstores, and other public spaces to provide free Internet connectivity. These networks are convenient to deploy, requiring no out-of-band key exchange or prior trust relationships. However, such networks are vulnerable to a variety of threats including the evil twin attack where an adversary clones a client's previously-used access point for a variety of malicious purposes including malware injection or identity theft. We propose defenses that aim to maintain the simplicity, convenience, and usability of open-access networks while offering increased protection from evil twin attacks. First, we present an evil twin detection strategy called context-leashing that constrains access point trust by location. Second, we propose that wireless networks be identified by uncertified public keys and design an SSH-style authentication and session key establishment protocol that fits into the 802.1X standard. Lastly, to mi...
Harold Gonzales, Kevin S. Bauer, Janne Lindqvist,
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Harold Gonzales, Kevin S. Bauer, Janne Lindqvist, Damon McCoy, Douglas C. Sicker
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