

Practical DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices

8 years 8 months ago
Practical DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices
A Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) is a unique and stable physical characteristic of a piece of hardware, due to variations in the fabrication processes. Prior works have demonstrated that PUFs are a promising cryptographic primitive to enable hardware-based device authentication and identification. A diverse number of PUFs have been explored, e.g., delay-based PUFs in dedicated circuits, SRAMbased PUFs in commodity hardware, and DRAM-based PUFs in custom FPGA-based setup. This paper is the first to extract and evaluate a DRAM PUFs from commodity off-the-shelf hardware and to provide a practical solution to query the PUF during a Linux system run-time, not just at startup. DRAM instances are traditionally larger compared to SRAM and thus provide an increased challenge-response space that makes them attractive. Lightweight protocols for device authentication and secure channel establishment are proposed, that exploit this large challenge-response space of the DRAM PUFs and the ti...
Wenjie Xiong, André Schaller, Nikolaos Anag
Added 03 Apr 2016
Updated 03 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where IACR
Authors Wenjie Xiong, André Schaller, Nikolaos Anagnostopoulos, Muhammad Umair Saleem, Sebastian Gabmeyer, Stefan Katzenbeisser 0001, Jakub Szefer
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