

Precise interprocedural analysis using random interpretation

15 years 22 days ago
Precise interprocedural analysis using random interpretation
We describe a unified framework for random interpretation that generalizes previous randomized intraprocedural analyses, and also extends naturally to efficient interprocedural analyses. There is no such natural extension known for deterministic algorithms. We present a general technique for extending any intraprocedural random interpreter to perform a context-sensitive interprocedural analysis with only polynomial increase in running time. This technique involves computing random summaries of procedures, which are complete and probabilistically sound. As an instantiation of this general technique, we obtain the first polynomial-time randomized algorithm that discovers all linear relationships interprocedurally in a linear program. We also obtain the first polynomial-time randomized algorithm for precise interprocedural value numbering over a program with unary uninterpreted functions. We present experimental evidence that quantifies the precision and relative speed of the analysis fo...
Sumit Gulwani, George C. Necula
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where POPL
Authors Sumit Gulwani, George C. Necula
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