

Predicting Hospital Length of Stay with Neural Networks

14 years 1 months ago
Predicting Hospital Length of Stay with Neural Networks
Critical careprovidersare facedwithresourceshortagesandmust find waysto effectively plan their resourceutilization. Neural networksprovide a newmethodfor evaluating traumapatient (and other medicalpatient) level of illness and accurately predictinga patient'slengthof stayat the critical carefacility. Backpropagation, radial-basis-function, and fuzzy ARTMAP neuralnetworksare implementedto determinethe applicability of neuralnetworksfor predictingeither injury severityor lengthof stay (or both). Neuralnetworksperformwell on this medical domainproblem. Thebackpropagationnetworksachieved the best performancefor predictinga patient's lengthof stay, butthe fuzzy ARTMAPproduced superior performancein evaluating patient's level of injury (especiallyfor the moreseverelyinjured patients). Thusa combinationof backpropagationand fuzzy ARTMAPneural networks is recommendedto produce the optimalcombined(injury severityandlengthof stay) results.
Steven Walczak, Walter E. Pofahl, Ronald J. Scorpi
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Steven Walczak, Walter E. Pofahl, Ronald J. Scorpio
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