

Preference Based Customer Models for Electronic Banking

14 years 1 months ago
Preference Based Customer Models for Electronic Banking
The advent of the internet is revolutionizing the financial services industry. In the future, electronic banking (EB) will become a strategic factor, evolving from mere transaction banking to the provision of individual, highly customized solutions. For this new way of EB it is essential to have a profound knowledge about the customer. In this paper, we discuss customer modeling as a solution for establishing a central repository, which can provide services for various EBapplications. We show that those generic customer models should include both, knowledge, e.g. about risk-affinity, attitude towards net present value and affinity towards special products, represented as preferences, but also plain information, like age and know-how. Furthermore, we suggest an approach for oneto-one-banking, which, in a first step, completes customer models from given information and thereby lays ground for the ongoing step two, in which user specific actions are inferred.
Michael Fridgen, Jürgen Schackmann, Stefan Vo
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ECIS
Authors Michael Fridgen, Jürgen Schackmann, Stefan Volkert
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