

A Preference-Based Framework for Updating Logic Programs

14 years 6 months ago
A Preference-Based Framework for Updating Logic Programs
Abstract. We present a framework for updating logic programs under the answer-set semantics that builds on existing work on preferences in logic programming. The approach is simple and general, making use of two distinct complementary techniques: defaultification and preference. While defaultification resolves potential conflicts by inducing more answer sets, preferences then select among these answer sets, yielding the answer sets generated by those rules that have been added more recently. We examine instances of the framework with respect to various desirable properties; for the most part, these properties are satisfied by instances of our framework. Finally, the proposed framework is also easily implementable by off-the-shelf systems.
James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits
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