

Preference Learning for Category-Ranking based Interactive Text Categorization

14 years 6 months ago
Preference Learning for Category-Ranking based Interactive Text Categorization
— Category Ranking is a variant of the multi-label classification problem, in which, rather than performing a (hard) assignment to an object of categories from a predefined set, we rank all categories according to their estimated “degree of suitability” to the object. Category ranking has many applications, all pertaining to “interactive” classification contexts in which the system, rather than taking a final categorization decision, is simply required to support a human expert who is in charge of taking this decision. Despite its high applicative potential in information retrieval applications, and in text categorization in particular, category ranking has mainly been tackled by standard text categorization methods. In this paper, we take a radically different stand to category ranking, i.e. one in which supervision is provided to the learner not in the standard form of labels attached to training documents, but in the form of preferences of type “category c1 is to be ...
Fabio Aiolli, Fabrizio Sebastiani, Alessandro Sper
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Fabio Aiolli, Fabrizio Sebastiani, Alessandro Sperduti
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