

Preliminary evaluation of the interactive drama facade

15 years 6 days ago
Preliminary evaluation of the interactive drama facade
There is growing interest in technologies that support user experiences emphasizing aesthetic satisfaction and enjoyment rather than task accomplishment. Evaluating such experiences remains an open research problem. Here we describe a methodology for evaluating the interactive drama Fa?ade, and present the first experimental results. Interactive dramas are "pure" hedonic experiences, forcing a focus on experience quality rather than efficiency and ease of use. Through the coding of retroactive protocols, we reveal play patterns whereby interaction failures are leveraged into new player goals, thus supporting players in maintaining positive interest in the experience even in the face of interaction failures. Author Keywords Retroactive protocol analysis, qualitative evaluation, game evaluation, hedonic evaluation ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Evaluation.
Rachel Lee Knickmeyer, Michael Mateas
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Rachel Lee Knickmeyer, Michael Mateas
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