

Previews and overviews in digital libraries: Designing surrogates to support visual information seeking

14 years 6 days ago
Previews and overviews in digital libraries: Designing surrogates to support visual information seeking
To aid designers of digital library interfaces, we present a framework for the design of information representations in terms of previews and overviews. Previews and overviews are graphic or textual representations of information ed from primary information objects. Previews act as surrogates for one or a few objects and overviews represent collections of objects. A design framework is elaborated in terms of the following three dimensions: (1) What information objects are available to users, (2) How information objects are related and displayed, and (3) How users can manipulate information objects. When utilized properly, previews and overviews allow users to rapidly discriminate objects of interest from those not of interest, and to more fully understand the scope and nature of digital libraries. This paper presents a definition of previews and overviews in context, provides design guidelines, and describes four example applications. Keywords Browsing, Information Seeking, Surrogates...
Stephan Greene, Gary Marchionini, Catherine Plaisa
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Authors Stephan Greene, Gary Marchionini, Catherine Plaisant, Ben Shneiderman
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