

Priestley Duality for Strong Proximity Lattices

14 years 3 months ago
Priestley Duality for Strong Proximity Lattices
In 1937 Marshall Stone extended his celebrated representation theorem for Boolean algebras to distributive lattices. In modern terminology, the representing topological spaces are zero-dimensional stably compact, but typically not Hausdorff. In 1970, Hilary Priestley realised that Stone's topology could be enriched to yield order-disconnected compact ordered spaces. In the present paper, we generalise Priestley duality to a representation theorem for strong proximity lattices. For these a "Stone-type" duality was given in 1995 in joint work between Philipp S
Mohamed A. El-Zawawy, Achim Jung
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Mohamed A. El-Zawawy, Achim Jung
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