

A Privacy Enhanced Service Architecture for Mobile Users

15 years 2 months ago
A Privacy Enhanced Service Architecture for Mobile Users
Location, presence and messaging services provide the essential ingredients for emerging information and communications services. Nevertheless, the users are concerned about revealing their actualized location, presence or contact address information, especially to non-trusted third party applications. In this paper we propose a privacy architecture to achieve unlinkability between services related to a certain user and the user identity itself. The architecture is based on a privacy service which is integrated in the telecom service architecture Parlay-X, currently being standardized by the Parlay Group, and a chained hash technique called PRIVES, well suited to run in small mobile devices.
Sandford Bessler, Oliver Jorns
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Sandford Bessler, Oliver Jorns
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