

Privacy in Georeferenced Context-Aware Services: A Survey

14 years 10 months ago
Privacy in Georeferenced Context-Aware Services: A Survey
Location based services (LBS) are a specific instance of a broader class of Internet services that are predicted to become popular in a near future: context-aware services. The privacy concerns that LBS have raised are likely to become even more serious when several context data, other than location and time, are sent to service providers as part of an Internet request. This paper provides a classification and a brief survey of the privacy preservation techniques that have been proposed for this type of services. After identifying the benefits and shortcomings of each class of techniques, the paper proposes a combined approach to achieve a more comprehensive solution for privacy preservation in georeferenced context-aware services.
Daniele Riboni, Linda Pareschi, Claudio Bettini
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Daniele Riboni, Linda Pareschi, Claudio Bettini
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