

Privacy gradients: exploring ways to manage incidental information during co-located collaboration

15 years 25 days ago
Privacy gradients: exploring ways to manage incidental information during co-located collaboration
This research introduces privacy issues related to the viewing of incidental information during co-located collaboration. Web browsers were the representative application used in this research as they have several convenience features that record and display traces of previous web page visits. A one-week field study examined how individuals perceive privacy needs relating to the later incidental viewing of traces of their browsing activity. Participants used a 4-tier privacy gradient to classify the privacy of their actual web browsing. The results revealed per window patterns of privacy during browsing with streaks at given privacy levels and relatively few transitions between levels. Management of incidental information is a complex problem due to multiple viewing contexts, individual differences, and the large volume of information. These privacy patterns suggest that a semi-automated approach to privacy management may be feasible. Author Keywords Privacy; web browsing; client-side...
Kirstie Hawkey, Kori M. Inkpen
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Kirstie Hawkey, Kori M. Inkpen
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